अद्भिर्गात्राणि शुद्धयन्ति मनः सत्येन शुद्धयति ।
विद्यातपोभ्यां भूतात्मा बुद्धिर्ज्ञानेन शुद्धयति ॥ मनुस्मृति-५/१०९
शरीर के अंग जल से शुद्ध होते हैं और मन सत्य से शुद्ध होता है ।
विद्या और तप से आत्मा की शुद्धि होती है और बुद्धि ज्ञान से शुद्ध होती है ।
INDAM as an affiliate of the Academy of Management, USA, has conducted professional development workshops at each of its annual meetings from 2012 onwards. It conducted its first research workshop at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad in January 2017.
Past Workshops
March 21-22, 2022: Online Workshop on Introduction to PLS-SEM Using SmartPLS 3 was conducted by Prof Christian M. Ringle.
A tree was planted on behalf of Prof Ringle and he was offered a certificate.
November 2, 2020: Editors’ Panel Discussion on High-Quality Publishing.
September 28, 2020: INDAM Research Webinar conducted online on September 28, 2020.
January 2020: Management Research in the Asian context: Opportunities and Challenges at BML Munjal university, Gurgaon, India from January 6-7, 2020
2019: Management Research in the Indian Context: Opportunities and Challenges was held at IIM Ahmedabad from January 4-6, 2019
2017: First Research Workshop conducted by INDAM in collaboration with IIM, Ahmedabad was held at IIM Ahmedabad from January 6-8, 2017
2019: Eighth set of PDWs at the Academy of Management Conference, Boston
2018: Seventh set of PDWs at the Academy of Management Conference, Chicago
2017: Sixth set of PDWs at the Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta
2016: Fifth set of PDWs at the Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim
2015: Fourth set of PDWs at the Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver
2014: Third set of PDWs at the Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia
2013: Second set of PDWs at the Academy of Management Conference, Orlando
2012: First set of PDWs at the Academy of Management Conference, Boston