Nagaraj Sivasubramaniam

Advisor: ICT and Web

Dembek, K., Sivasubramaniam, N., & Chmielewski-Raimondo, D. (in press, 2019). A systematic review of the Bottom of the Pyramid literature. Journal of Business Ethics.

Sivasubramaniam, N Sroufe, R., Ramos, D., & Saiia, D. (in press, 2012). Aligning the PRME: How International Study Nurtures Responsible Leadership. Journal of Management Education.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Liebowitz, J., & Lackman, C. (2012). Predictors of New Product Development Team Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29 (5), 803-820.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Sroufe, R., & Liebowitz, J. (2010). HR’s Role in Creating a Sustainability Culture: What are We Waiting For? People and Strategy, 33 (1), 34-42.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Liebowitz, J., & Lackman, C. (2010). Determinants of New Product Development Team Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review. Journal of Product Innovation Management.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Antonakis, J., & Avolio, B. J. (2003). Context and leadership: an examination of the nine-factor full-range leadership theory using the multifactor leadership questionnaire. Leadership Quarterly, 14, 261-295.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Murry, W. D., Avolio, B. J., & Jung, D. I. (2002). A longitudinal model of the effects of team leadership and group potency on group performance. Group and Organization Management, 27 (1), 66-96.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Agnihotri, S., & Simmons, D. (2002). Leveraging technology to improve field service. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 14 (1), 47-68.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Murry, W. D., & Jacques, P. H. (2001). Supervisory support, social exchange relationships, and sexual harassment consequences: A test of competing models. Leadership Quarterly, 12 (1), 1-29.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Engelbrecht, A. S., & Erasmus, R. G. (1999). Strategic human resource management and organizational performance: Testing a typology of fit. Journal of Industrial Psychology, 25 (3), 18-22.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Kroeck, K. G., & Lowe, K. B. (1997). In the eye of the beholder: A new approach to studying folk theories of leadership. Journal of Leadership Studies, 4 (2), 27-42.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Avolio, B. J., Jung, D. I., & Murry, W. D. (1996). Building highly developed teams: Focusing on shared leadership process, efficacy, trust, and performance. Advances in interdisciplinary studies of work teams, 3, 174-210.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Lowe, K. B., & Kroeck, K. G. (1996). Effectiveness correlates of transformational and transactional leadership: A meta-analytic review of MLQ literature. Leadership Quarterly, 7 (3), 385-426.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Kara, A., Nielsen, C., & Sahay, S. (1994). Latent information in the pattern of missing observations in global mail surveys. Journal of Global Marketing, 7 (4), 103-126.

Sivasubramaniam, N., Zanakis, S. H., Kara, A., Sahay, S., & (1991). An Analytic Evaluation of Microcomputer Educational OR/MS Software. Omega, 19 (6), 639-649.

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